Folded Map
Illinois • Tonika Johnson
About the project
Tonika's Folded Map project is a multimedia visual exploration of what Chicago's historic segregation looks like and how it impacts its residents today. By connecting residents who live on the same street at corresponding addresses on Chicago’s North and South sides, Folded Map illuminates institutional conditions that segregate the city and helps residents understand how Chicago's urban environment is structured. For We, Women, Tonika photographed and interviewed additional map twins, and hosted large-scale, public projections of video and photographs in Englewood, her neighborhood on Chicago's South Side, and on the West Side. Through open dialogue, the projections invited audiences to question how they are personally and socially impacted by their city’s systemic inequity.
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About the Artist
Tonika Johnson is a visual artist and photographer from Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood who explores urban segregation and documents the nuance and richness of the Black community. She was featured in Chicago Magazine as a 2017 Chicagoan of the Year. Her Englewood-based photography projects From the INside and Everyday Rituals were exhibited at Rootwork Gallery in Pilsen, the Chicago Cultural Center, the Harold Washington Library Center, and at Loyola University's Museum of Art (LUMA). Her current ongoing project, Folded Map, was also exhibited at LUMA (2018). Most recently, she was named one of Field Foundation’s 2019 Leaders for a New Chicago.